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Palma Studio

"La" Massage ~ Tibetan Lunar Therapy Treatment with Micah Sheiner Friday April 18th 10 am

"La" Massage ~ Tibetan Lunar Therapy Treatment with Micah Sheiner Friday April 18th 10 am

Regular price $255.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $255.00 USD
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Friday April 18th 

10- 11:15 am 

Casa Sangha, Montecito Address provided week of Ceremony 

One On One Treatment with Micah Sheiner

“La” (Tibetan བླ།) energy is a vital protective energy that pervades and constitutes our human body. Closely connected with our consciousness, it gives strength,vigor, stability, a bright complexion, clarity, bliss, sensitivity, and satisfaction. This energy circulates in our body according to the lunar cycle. Due to chronic disease, emotional or physical trauma, and aggressive medical treatments, we can lose this energy resulting in various symptoms such as sadness, sleep disorders, decreased immunity, fatigue, or anxiety.

“La” massage is one of the subtle energetic treatments from the Tibetan Medical tradition used to restore lost “la” through the application of oil and gentle touch of specific points, along with the visualization and chanting of potent seed syllables.

In his sessions, Micah enhances this therapy with the healing resonance of singing bowls, gongs, bells, and other musical instruments - guiding participants into a deep state of meditation and inviting them to fully receive the benefits of this rejuvenating practice. 

Healing benefits include:

˚ Awaken lifeforce, strengthen resilience, & resonate into natural tuning

˚ Reestablish elemental balance

˚ Release old patterns rejuvenate yourself

˚ Restore natural Biorhythms (breathing, circulation, sleep cycles)

˚ Resolve long-standing blockages (mental, emotional, physical)

˚ Deepen Relaxation for pain relief in muscles, joints, and bones

˚ Tone and Balance the aura (Energy Body Field)

˚ Soothe the nervous system for stress relief

˚ Enhance meditative and yogic practices

PALMA classes are nonrefundable, however a credit can be issued toward another class if cancelled within 48 hours.  

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